These beautiful kids had a fun easter morning finding baskets and having an egg roll contest. I was finishing combing the last head of hair when I discovered one of my worst nightmares - LICE. I looked at my 8 month pregnant sister in law and we both just about broke down in tears. Unfortunately Mindy has dealt with this before and is an expert. We took a quick picture and then started treating every head of hair.
Mindy walked me through everything I needed to do and we bagged everything soft in the house, vacuumed, lysoled the couches and hard surfaces. Not the way we wanted to spend Easter....
we had some stowaways on our move to colorado last year-- lice from our neighbors! it was NO fun for the two weeks that we did olive oil treatments every other night and then the tedious combing in the morning! thankfully the girls were good sports about it-- it was ME doing the complaining!